
Hmm... I'll just leave this here.

  • 18
    What can you expect from a company that stores it's passwords on a Post-It glued to a monitor...
  • 0
    And this is why for gaming I will always trust Microsoft more, wether on PC or Xbox
  • 4
    What do you expect from a company called "pertainment Europe" - see screenshot "p" on 1st line "ertainment" on 2nd
  • 1
    @hidden I am a xbox player but trusting Ms.... No... noway
  • 1
    In my defence I never said I totally trusted Microsoft, I said I trusted them more, not I trusted them implicitly
  • 2
    Epoch bug eh ?
  • 1
    I think that for the game experience is preferred, some perspective, the "Playstation" manufactured by Sony. As for security and other services included, I fully agree that it's the best "Xbox" of Microsoft. Everyone thinks in his own way, for heaven's sake, but you also have to think which use you want to do. This is my thought about it, have a good day! 😊
  • 1
    Lol that is awesome
  • 1
    Unix timestamp 😂😂
  • 0
    I've never had such a bug but frankly speaking, I don't owe a PS4 for long yet. I shifted from PC to consoles recently. I'm fed up with upgrades. Such articles https://cwhonors.org/best-case-fans... aimed to help with it are of course, very useful but that's not my choice anymore.
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