
Nothing to add

  • 3
    First "benefit" listed mentions a start up

    Alright then
  • 3
    Salary: $25k annually, with chance for bonuses when the company grows!
  • 1
    👌 Now that is an EZ apply 👌
  • 1
    They'll hire a person through this to finally make bakasoftware
  • 1
    full job offer for those who are interested
  • 0
    Idk, it doesn't sound that bad :) if the salary is ok I could easily apply
  • 0
    - 5 languages required, which means a minimum of 5 micro services. Plus if you're using Kotlin, you don't need Java and vice versa.
    - they need both SQL and noSQL db. Plus in the noSQL list, there's a lot of very different concepts.
    - "AWS AND Google Cloud" : these services are very expansive, especially for a start-up, but also very complete, you don't need both.

    They are just assholes who know nothing about computer science but buzzwords. Tbh the job offer looks like a joke
  • 0
    @Tounai just post the link, you can't full screen capture a job ad and expect anyone to be able to read it when devRant compresses the image so badly.
  • 0
    @Tounai maybe they dont know what database or cloud provider to choose, so they expect someone who knows them all and can make a decision based on that
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm dude $25k is extortion
  • 0
    "languages such as...".
    I assume they only want someone with experience in any modern language and having knowledge of OOP and similar stuff.

    To me it sounds like: We want to make microservice with js frontend and different data storage techs hosted in a cloud and you should know any flavor of everything we need.
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