I'd rather expose my data to TikTok than have the US government completely ban them here. What a joke.

  • 1
    How is one better than the other?
  • 9
    I disagree.
    The application is a general danger to society.
  • 3
    Welcome to the new millennium, where the good guys are worse than the bad guys
  • 5
    Except that China is a literal dictatorship that's enslaving uyghur muslims in concentration camps and harvesting their organs and the US isn't doing that
  • 4
    @12bitfloat naw we just prefer to implode entire nation's and then go to war with the ones that fight back. There's no winners in this. They're both horrible, either in quantity or quality of damage caused to the rest of humanity. And yes I know they're not the only two countries but they're in a league of their own when it comes to human destruction.
  • 6
    A joke? Have you seen what they collect? That shit is fucking insane. I'd ban it worldwide if I could!
  • 2
    @ChaoticGoods Nah, the US is bad, China is literally pulling a Nazi germany. I'd say there's *some* difference
  • 2
    @12bitfloat I think you're only considering what each country is doing to their own people. Think about all the horrible shit we do to OTHER countries and their people.
  • 1
    @12bitfloat I would go with Soviet Russia rather than Nazi Germany. Both are terrifying, but the Soviets were a little better at that whole heartless, kill-everyone thing.
  • 0
    @Frederick Many people would disagree that every war we've been in was justified. We've armed and funded the very groups we end up going to war with for 40 years now. And even train some of the people/groups that then attack us. I don't think anyone here is trying to justify the actions of the Chinese government, but you seem to either not know or not care about our influence on the rest of the world. It's not that black and white. After decades of propping up foreign dictators (which by the way do a lot of the same shit China does), it's not as simple as "they attacked us (or in some cases may attack us) so we should invade their country (even if they weren't actually involved in attacks aka Iraq and 9/11)." We're smarter than China is in this respect. We always get other people to do the things we know we shouldn't be doing. The USA has a well proven history of either supporting or creating groups that go on to cause just as much death and carnage as the Chinese government combined.
  • 1
    @linuxxx For the record, the same goes for Facebook, Instagram and others imo but TikTok really fucking tops it.
  • 0
    @Frederick you've made a lot of assumptions here that simply aren't true. Many of these groups would not exist without are help. And if we really care about preventing genocides and oppressive regimes, why don't we get involved with countries like Russia, China, North Korea, Rwanda, Cambodia, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Nigeria, etc. We only get involved when it suites are own financial interest. You can't pat yourself on the back for "fixing" situations you created. And usually we never actually fix any of it.

    Yeah we helped countries in WWII, how about since then? That was 70 years ago. Also, people forget China played a big role in WWII for the allies as well. Germany toppled the Roman Empire, doesn't mean they get a pass on both world wars.

    I really didn't mean to make this so political, my original point was they're both horrible. And that statement still stands. Just like Tick Tok and company. Also something to keep in mind, we don't really know all of what any of them collect.
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