How many of you fellow devRanters out there have a blog? And, more importantly, actively maintain it?

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    Do you have one?
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    Thinking about putting together something that vaguely resembles the ramblings of this coders mind.
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    I got halfway through creating one, when I realized.

    "Nobody but me is going to read this shit."


    "I don't even think I'm going to read this shit."


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    return this.ReadMyMind(MakubeX.Instance);
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    I have one about my musings on clam chowder.
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    I have one that is syndicated so that potentially many people see my posts.
    I haven't updated in a while, so that is too bad but it was quite fun.
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    @MakuBex I thought the same until I started mine and people actually read it! Great way to showcase your projects.
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    I did want to make one, but then it switched to more of a project showcase, which is now kinda dead... Now I just want to change it to a personal website with my cv and some projects. If only I took the time for that...
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    I do have one. Nothing serious, but it feels good, that someone reads it.
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    I have my wishlist online . . .
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    I do http://dev-joe.blogspot.com, I just share everything for now to maintain it
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