Death Sentence for devs who won't let you unsubscribe from newsletters without logging in

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    How can you unsub if you don't own the account? Do you have to go through the password reset?
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    @alexbrooklyn you have access to the mail account it was sent to, and anybody could register you for a newsletter.
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    I think that's OP's point. For example, I got my gmail account in 2004, when they first came out, so it's really short. So I have a user name that is the basis for lots of other account names. Because of this, I get mountains of emails sent by people who were either misinformed about the address of someone, or were careless when they entered it. As such, I get signed up for lots of, "legitimate" spam, and I often cannot unsubscribe since doing so requires logging in. So all I can do is either call, which isn't going to happen, or mark the emails as spam.

    This is actually a big reason I got a fastmail account.
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    @p100sch @bahua I was a bit vague with my comment, I was just saying that it's extremely stupid to have to sign in to unsub if you don't own the accoun
  • 0
    Maybe not death sentence, but something. Build a small pyramid.. 72x72 base
  • 11
    Death sentences for whomever is responsible for (willingly) making unsubscribe links not work.
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    @alexbrooklyn I do have the password, but just the fact that I have to login instead of just clicking an unsubscribe link annoys me
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    And who said it was a developer's decision?
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    Wtf?! Does that even exist?

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    Thanks to these fucking marketing addicted idiots you can’t have your fucking email account get raped on every hole.

    Every time you open it it’s 472934 new emails you don’t care about.
    I wish nothing but the worse to these people.
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    Also those who ask you to type out your address again!!!
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    Life imprisonment for those who send unsubscribe confirmation
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