
I have an HTTP joke, if I POST it, you cannot GET it

  • 4
    @AleCx04 You're putting in that work man lmao
  • 1
    Kong did that to me once.... mostly because I forgot kong existed..
  • 8
    @Stuxnet it pains me to find another patient. But this is my true calling.

    To the op, I offer special counseling in regards to helping people distinguish between cringe and non-cringe jokes/sentences/feelings/general items. Do not feel this as an attack, this happens to all of us, and some of us have not gotten past that stage. You are not alone, our free support groups are here to help and the only benefit I get from this is the idea and feeling that I got from helping someone else move past cringe inducing bs into becoming a productive and coherent member of society.

    We are here for you buddy.
  • 8
    DELETE this
  • 5
    Sry but I don't have any other OPTIONS. I will GET a gun, PUT it in a box and POST it to you. So you can shoot yourself in the HEAD with it. Enclosed you will also find some bandaids to PATCH that wound. /s
  • 3
    oh wow that's highly intellectual to TRACE
  • 1
    Status code 404
  • 1
    Then what's is my OPTIONS to PATCH my incomprention
  • 2
    Im a teapot thanks you have nice day
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