While we still looking to learn Angular 2 just heard this morning we are getting Angular 3 very soon.. Oh shit!!

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    Angular 1: Javascript
    Angular 2: Javascript or Typescript or Dart
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    I dont want complains!

    Where I work:
    Angular 1.3

    Nodejs 0.10.40
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    I just hope they don't change everything, AGAIN.
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    @brucecantarim Angular3 will be more or less backwards compatible with Angular2 from what i understand.
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    @ItsNotMyFault That's a relief... I just started studying Angular 2 and Ionic 2 this week, been waiting months for it to get released so I could start experimenting with it for real.
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    @perix2 Javascript.
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    @Artemix I like you already
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    I work (and like) with node :(
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    @Artemix no, dont be I really like it
    I have had few conversations with a friend who works for red hat and loves C or static typed languages (and doesnt like at all node or js)

    I also work with angularjs (there you can be a bit sorry)

    Why dont you like node?
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