
!rant more advice needed for weather API

I am making a spur of the moment travel app built around a weather API. The problem is I need to feed in temperature and humidity for a date and get a list of countries and all the APIs I'm looking at work on location requests.

So, I plan to solve this using a JavaScript webworker and set intervals to build my own database that I can query.

Would it be better to use a script external to my API or keep the business logic internal?

Best answer receives my warm thanks.

P.S. @dfox there should be a non rant section?

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    Please let me know how you make out with this project. I have great interest in weather alerts and non-weather alerts for crisis management and business continuity.
    Can you say what benefits the system will provide?

    Good luck!
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    @Jumpshot44 it is aimed at travel on the spur of the moment. For that reason I'm just using a free weather api that returns the next 5 days worth of weather results. If it goes well maybe I'll upgrade it to 12 days of results.

    But basically all it will do is ask you for a temperature range you will want for your holiday, a humidity range you will want and return a list of countries that have this on the day you want to go.

    After this it will use some other API to help book a cheap flight.

    So I'm not sure it's your thing but it turns the traditional search on location for weather on its head and searches for location by weather instead.
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    Very interesting what you are doing. If I find sources or ideas I will let you know. @dfox may also have ideas for you.
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    I have a good wind velocity site I used during hurricane Matthew that proved valuable. Not sure if they have an API. Does wind interest you?
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    @Jumpshot44 Thanks, but for now temperature and humidity are all I want to achieve as I only have 6 weeks to do it all.
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    @Jumpshot44 small update

    Build is almost finished.

    I've had to scale the project down to capital city to capital city for my hand in but later I will expand it and get it up as a real service.

    It should be finished and up in the next few weeks. The search for capital cities with a weather in a range within the next 10 days is fully functional and I have a web worker updating the forecasts every 5 days.

    If you're still interested In the alpha product I'll post a little update.
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