
It’s 2am. This is what I think about: a baby head but it’s a cheaply made plastic toy toilet that is somehow narrow like a pez dispenser, I put some green plastic stuff in its “mouth” and close it and I’m like oh no why I did this he’s gonna swallow it and there’s kanye in the background screaming grand theft auto grand theft auto we’re in a game we’re in a game

I’m scared. I can’t sleep. My heart goes like 180bpm for no reason

  • 0
    So nightmare, hallucination or delusion? Either way I hope you feel better now
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    Lay off that nighttime Taren, @uyouthe.
  • 1
    What in the everloving fuck.
    I've Heard and Seen some crazy Shit gut this is on a whole another Level.
    Anyway hope you don't experience that again.
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    @jesustricks just the thoughts that won’t go away. Sleep helps
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    @Root nice reference :) but if it was it I would’ve never knew that it’s not real
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    @molaram coke can’t do this, it’s not hallucinogenic
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    @Ranchu that’s how I write my articles. My brain somehow enters that uncontrollable creative state. Sometimes it’s an article, but often it’s shit like this. Needless to say my articles either blow up or stay completely unnoticed. I can’t read and understand them next morning, that wasn’t ME who wrote them
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