
WTF I got YT subscription of three months from flipkart. now while claming YT asking for card info :(

  • 3
    Welcome to the free and forgot until we hit you with that bill later scheme.
  • 1
    @C0D4 naah not signing up now
  • 5
    @rox79 Amazon prime got me good.
    Signed up, watched a few things, cancelled it (got the email to say it happened), and a couple weeks later Amazon then took a year subscription I wasn't expecting.

    So now, any free trial that needs a CC a walk away unless I have an actual intention to use it.
  • 2
    @C0D4 what's extra cheesy is the fact they requested my personal data like middlename, passport - I don't remember it 100%, but I'm sure there was something like that, and now I think they won't permit any new account with same data unless I pay for services I didn't use for a while.
    Fuck you, Amazon, just fuck you.
    After this, even seemingly normal license, which is AGPL, seems like a scam to me, because it's bound to Amazon.
    And years later I find out that there is a putrid interview question by the name "Hanging Cable", which doesn't provide insight on real-life physics and makes the interviewee act like a dumb person that jumps to the conclusions so fast to call "0" a correct answer.
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