  • 3
    I can't express this advice enough, to be honest, it's not just git, but the importance of a VCS in general
  • 1
    Time to git gud, nubs
  • 2
    Git it?
  • 0
    I'm still not great, or even good, with git. I've only had to use git command line twice so far, fortunately I've had GUI to use, however for the finer details and edits. Git is so handy
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    TFS FTW!
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    In a way, I'm glad I learned Mercurial first. That way, I got to learn the principles of DVCS before I had to learn all the weird idiosyncrasies of Git.

    Back in the 90's, I used Visual SourceSafe. The less said about that, the better. Especially if children are listening.
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