When you teach people how to code as much as I do, having to explain why things like this are so wrong over and over again starts to make you die inside.

  • 0
    What are they trying to do? Looks like they add each number to the last number in the list and print the result?
  • 0
    @kvsm exactly. But they were definitely trying to sum up the list and print the final result.
  • 2
    @initialcommit perfect opportunity to introduce them to reduce! :D
  • 0
    @kvsm haha maybe let's get them comfortable with looping before introducing higher order functions.
  • 0
    @KeyWeeUsr Python, yes, but they just didn't know what they were doing. Probably a typo from "list_1"
  • 0
    @initialcommit nah, I'm just blind. That was clearly a list.... list_ and (s)he used indicies -> list_[0] or so.
  • 0
    Apparently I can't modify in webbrowser, pity :D
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