
When your internet download speed is faster than your system copy speed. Damn! I need a new laptop !!

  • 4
    You do know that that is not possible right? :)
    Internet cannot be faster than your hard drive because the downloaded data from the internet (regardless of its own speed) is written to your hard drive at hard drive speed.
    It may be that something else is causing your problem. Like that you are copying a lot of small files :)
  • 5
    @arekxv You can write stuff to RAM, it doesn't need to directly go to the drive.
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    @osmarks You can write them to an usb and NAS too... but I don't think that is the point of this discussion here. :)
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    Pretty sure that the wifi goes through South Bridge, so it has to get copied to RAM before disk...
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    @gaben And in the end it gets copied to disk at disk speed. Your point being what?
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    @arekxv because the data gets written to RAM from internet, then you can download data far faster than an HDD read write speed, capping out at RAM write speed, not disk write speed.
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    @gaben And are you 100% sure that the speed which is shown on the downloads screen is the speed of internet towards RAM and no the actual write speed to hard drive which they measure by their own means?
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    @arekxv mostdownload screens usually report disk writing speeds, not wifi downloading speeds. Steam downloads actually show them separately if you need tangible evidence
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    @gaben And that is why I'm asking the point of the sentence. :)
    @makkBit was speaking that his internet speed was faster than what his hard drive can do. So unless I got this wrong I think he was talking about download speed which is measured on from internet towards hard drive and therefore cannot be faster in that way :)
    Or maybe he really has a bad hard drive... or internet speed over 25 MB/s (which is impressive to have!) :)
  • 1
    You are all overcomplicating things.

    1. Fiber @ 1Gb/s up/down symetrical
    2. 5400rpm HDD @ I dunno 20MB (20*8Mb=160Mb/s)

    Internet >> HDD

    The HDD is the bottleneck. Use iperf or something to confirm RAM vs HDD. Be sure to use Gb LAN or direct to router not WiFi which will unlikely get anywhere near Gb speeds. Also be sure remote server can serve files @ Gb speeds. Etc. SSD might get 500-600Mb/s under very specific conditions... so long as your porn does not judder who cares? :P
  • 0
    Posted this on Twitter earlier nobody gave a fuck only lol comments. Posted here n m amazed to see such technical comments!! Awesome community. :)
  • 2
    Put an SSD up in dat bitch.
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