
This is the best app play store has ever recommended to me.
Ty play store

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    Welcome to devRant!
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    @Bobj2008 this is the real shizz :D
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    For me it was the same! :D
    The Play Store knows what's good for you ^^
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    @toXel i found this app fromna telegram channel called "Best of DevRant" i knew about the channel for a 1-2 months. I really like the content. But idk why I thought this was a private community. Everytime i clicked the link I saw the posts on web and never saw a signup buttom until i hit the logo and saw the home page. And I was like, I should download this, i never knew it was open. Cool! This is awesome! And since then it's history...
    In the end. I still don't know how I found that channel. I just did.
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    @SweetHuman That's also a nice story :)
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    @toXel @On-xTone not = rant? Correct me if I'm wrong... I'm new :D
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    @On-xTone ty :)
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