
Hereby I congratulate all of you with the end of work week.

Cheers 🍻

  • 1
    Yay! Time to work on side projects :)
  • 1
    There's no 'weekend off' in school life 😔

    It never ends
  • 2
    Oh boy it's Saturday time to get back to writing my thesis
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    Only saturdays are chill, sundays usually go by having the “monday blues”
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    You can ignore work emails and not work in the weekends and holidays, if you have a job.

    You can't ignore teachers and have to do homework in the weekends and holidays, if you are a student.

    Some teachers ignore my emails in the weekends but I HAVE TO HAND IN HOMEWORK ON A SATURDAY
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    @LotsOfCaffeine is this the case of "oh fuck it's weekend and I've done nothing the whole week"? I feel a bit like that.
  • 2
    @Merrick919 but you don't have to be a student for your whole life. 9-5 jobs are like that because you need to do them for decades without burning out. Being a student ends at a certain point.
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    @electrineer well no I'm just running low on time
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