
Hello everyone,

I'm here to ask your help, you can do it.

In my about-to-open company we're gonna build custom WorkStations and similar PC, but up to now we have no images of them.

As we don't want to use images from google or other public sources, can you please comment with your best computer?

Thank you again to whoever wants to help!

  • 0
    @rooter you literally have this at home/work?
  • 3
    @rooter wait, wtf is that? Is that an MP3 player, a space heater or what???

    PS: iSearched. iRegret.
  • 0
    @rooter that is wow! what are the specs? and most important... what's the size of it? it looks reaaaaaally small
  • 2
    Please hire a product photographer?
    Advertise the products you produce. Everything else deception of the customer.
  • 0
    @heyheni I know, we will do that as we'll have a ready product to ship! This is just something we need to kick-start the thing.
  • 1
    @ZioCain search for the name on the logo of that thing. NSFW. I've warned you. 🤣
  • 1
    @rooter I see what you did there...
  • 3
    That's mine - a 10 year old Lancool PC-K58 case that you can't buy anymore. I like it so much that I kept it when building up my new PC last month, ripping out the old components and putting in the new ones.
  • 2
    CoolerMaster Scout case. Could not find anything suitable to replace it.
  • 2
    I don't like PCs so I bought this
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