
Is it normal to get 400+ NPM package downloads in two days, lol?

I've never made one until now.

  • 0
    Strangely similar for my old one. Same thing happened tho it was just a super simple thing nuthin special.
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    There are several services out there that are scanning the npm registry and downloading every package.
  • 1
    @Sumafu For what reason?
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    @yehaaw I have no clue
  • 2
    There counter is very basic, it just counts the number of requests made. Maybe it's viral, maybe it's just bots cloning your package.
  • 1
    Yes. Usually spikes on the first week and then goes back to normal values.
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    Hopefully real users are downloading this package. Already 1000+
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    @yehaaw a thousand? I don't think that's a normal spike... 🤔

    Are you typosquating? 😂
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    @rodrigograca31 Not doing anything to get 'artificial' downloads. What is typosquating?
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    @yehaaw having a similar name to a popular package but with a typo. So that people download yours instead.
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