I would like to hear why a bug cannot irreversibly tear a company out of existence.

Would you, theabbie (either a troll or the boldest man in the universe), mind explaining how on earth an EULA or ToS saying "We can't be held liable for X, Y and Z" can save your ass from a lawsuit? There are countries that have laws on consequential damages/losses. These laws can lead to you having to repay the entire contract and pay damages.

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    I feel like there's more context to statements about what protections "we're not liable for..." statements provide.

    It's not a binary thing. Legal babble is often just there in the hopes it provides protection.
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    @N00bPancakes true. Although I assume that an additional law for situations like this is more convenient for lawyers, as they do not have to string together unrelated/loose laws. Well... at least for one side.
  • 4
    Not that sodding thread again.
  • 7
    whatever. stop beating the dead horse
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    Are we doing starship troopers? Please let it be starship troopers...
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    @SortOfTested I'm doing my part!
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    Gotta get that citizenship.
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    It depends on the jurisdiction. There are certain warranties that must be given when selling products (or licenses): In Germany this includes (at least) gross negligence, intentional malpractice and regular negligence to a certain limit. No matter what a company claims, a company can be sued for that.
    On the other hand, it is often hard to proof if a bug was due negligence, and everything else can mostly ruled out by contract.

    Other jurisdictions even allow worse things: In many terms for US end users, it is often often written users agree to never sue the company at a regular court, but at a court of arbitration. It seems to be legal there. Good luck suing a company there!
    Many laws in many jurisdictions to protect end users do not apply on business to business contracts, so B2B contracts can say a lot of things legally.


    On the other hand, look at open source software: Usually, they do not have any warranty at all, but there is also no money involved.
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    @AlmondSauce @iiii @010001111 yeah, sorry about that. I reflected myself and noticed that I was not in such a good mood, to put it lightly.

    State during ranting:

    * I felt the urge to harass him in some way. What I, myself, consider plain toxic (yes, ik, obvious contradiction; emotions are illogical).

    * Frustrated over the fact that I cannot confidently classify whether he is a troll.

    * Angry at myself for being emotionally invested into some random online thread.

    * The frustration you felt while you read the thread/argued with him.

    To Do:

    * Among other things, get my toxic side in check.

    In retrospective, I consider this rant more or less spam. Again, sorry for posting this and contributing to the toxic side of devRant. Should I delete the rant or leave it up? I'll leave that choice up2you.
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    You joined DevRant and thought people still care about this?
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    I'm no expert but these laws are there for a good reason like medical equipment and gross negligence. Not to sue the pants off anyone who made a mistake. So unless the EULA/ToS/SLA gives you certain warranties perhaps don't use them in critical applications (like airplane controls). You have clearly been warned and without knowing what the consequences are (the service does not care what you do with it) the service can't be held accountable for negligence.
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