
Am I the only one who thinks DevRant should have a proper desktop website instead of just making us navigate in a stretched out version of the mobile app?
Don't get me wrong, I love this place, but a desktop website would sure be nice! :D

  • 2
    Or at least let us know what the weekly rant topic is. It only gets shown in the app.
  • 5
    The website is super basic and missing a lot of the functionality.

    While i understand this isn't ideal, its run by two people.

    @dfox i don't mind donating some of my time to bring the website up to scratch, just say the word.
  • 7
    Thanks for the feedback and @nblackburn we appreciate the offer.

    Right now we're actively working on porting the web version to a new framework (React-based) with an all-new design. From there, we're hoping to get it up to speed as quickly as possible.

    We're working with an outside company on some of those efforts because they offered to let us try their freelancing service for free in order for us to give some honest review/feedback after of how we like it. We thought this was a good arrangement since we're both getting some good value and they are interested in other possible devRant sponsorships.

    After the basic framework is done we can definitely think about considering some community contributions to the web version, but right now if we're able to get some of that for free/not have to burden the community, it seems like a good deal.
  • 2
    @dfox Cool, glad it's getting some attention.

    Just remember you have a very passionate community with a lot of talent on here that know the platform back to front (more that you might know about) which i am sure would have wanted to help without any deal needing to be made.

    The platform could very easily be self sustaining.

    Either way i hope it works out for both of you ;)
  • 3
    @nblackburn thanks, much appreciated :)

    I agree with you and I definitely think we can give the community better tools to contribute. That probably starts with a more public API, which is also in the works. So many talented people here and we want to take advantage of that a number of fronts we're planning.
  • 1
    @edge not sure what you mean by desktop website but you can visit devrant.io and click on the "Rants" or "Feed" button in the top right corner to find all rants there :)
  • 3
    @simeg I know, it's exactly what I'm talking about. The feed is exactly the same as the mobile app.. But bigger. I'm just saying it would be nice to have a full on web version of the app instead of just a replica.
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