Mozilla Firefox is best OS.

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    Almost as good as the Google. Google is good OS
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    Shut up everyone. Internet Explorer is the best OS...lol
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    I prefer netscape... It rinds me of dinosaurs
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    You're all wrong. The most advanced OS is cmd.exe
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    @baskoros Clearly you mean command.com
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    FirefoxOS had some potential, I quite liked their Flame handset, significant improvement over the cheaper handsets.

    Shame it was basically mothballed and was turned into Firefox IoT or whatever they call it now...
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    I liked firefox OS such ashame they are not actively working on it anymore besides the tv version.
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    @lkpridgeon I'd have liked to have seen an ChromeOS like device for laptops based on FirefoxOS. What could have been, eh?
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    @nmunro yeah... Still could be done as from what I remember it is open source. You could run the community edition APK on one of the newer chromebooks
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