Need some advice -

I have over one month spare time before joining the company. I have always wanted to learn an instrument but I'm also 'thinking' of joining a gym but I don't have any fantasies for big biceps and I am a big time foodie.

I have read that learning new instruments would help you in critical and out of the box thinking which is a definite plus while programming. While joining a gym would be a good way to keep myself fit in this hectic world of programming.

I'm torn in choosing between these two options. Which one should I join as a developer? What would my fellow devs suggest? πŸ€”

  • 19
    Start learning a really heavy instrument or join a marching band.

    Either way you'll learn the instrument and get the exercise!
  • 6
    Any reasons why you can't do both? Just curios.
  • 2
    @iwakirinko I have a major side project going on which I need to complete by February and it's huge :)
  • 5
    I play piano it helps. Though go with a guitar takes years to master piano
  • 16
    Music, so you can say you have experience with C#.
  • 7
    Gym. There is no way to beat the de-stressing power of hitting the iron.
  • 6
    Sorry but that is personal preference.

    Gym gives a ton of endorphine, results will shoot up the first 2 weeks and then drop off to a little better every time. Eating healthy and lots of protein is important. And dont believe all those articles on the web. Just search for "starting strength" from rippetoe (bible of gym beginners)

    Music relaxes, is sweet to play for others. Dunno about the learning curve, probably differs per instrument (triangle is a line instead of curve?)

    I personally do the gym because I sit while programming, so extra moving is nice.
  • 2
    I'd say that since you're a big foodie I'd advice going to the gym and if you have any spare time remaining use that for projects and learning an instrument. Your health is important and easily neglected when you're a developer.

    Trust me, this comes from a dev who's played guitar for years ;)
  • 3
    Thanks everyone. I decided to give gym a try and I am kind of enjoying it. Would love to learn an instrument another time. Gotta love the community though πŸ™†
  • 0
    @varundey dont forget to read starting strength from rippetoe.
    Most other stuff on the internet is crap
  • 0
    I enjoy running at the gym, not one for biceps but running has helped me solve so many issues.
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    I really enjoy playing music, especially with other people. But I'm not sure if it has made me a better programmer.. at least not in an obvious way
  • 0
    Even though piano is harder to play, I've played for about 8 years and have loved it since day one. It feels great to be able to read another language and then translate it into keys and sounds. I've noticed changes in my life like feeling better after playing and thinking about problems differently. When I took a break for like a year and then came back the difference was noticeable. Plus it's just a great feeling to play something that sounds nice and think "dang I made that sound." Plus playing different speeds and patterns on different hands is a fun challenge! Just thought I'd share my thoughts on the piano because I do both (gym and piano) and love both for different reasons. Thanks, hope you decide to pick it up eventually :)
  • 2
    @varundey check out 5x5 workout or r/fitness on reddit. I'm currently making a site on lifting for devs with my irl results. I deadlift 405 lbs for reps but when I started I could only do the bar so anything is possible.
  • 1
    I would go with gym, how long can man sit on chair? Smash some iron

    Althrough best option would be both
  • 1
    @refactorlife I am veeeery interested (I also have the 5x5 app. But with the 3x5 settings from rippetoe)
  • 0
    @zombie01 its just a site with data I have on myself (diet, sleep, lifting routine). I did however make a macro tracker for myself. was planning to release after my cut so at least theres some context for people.
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    @refactorlife still, a log from a dev perspective would be interesting
  • 0
    I like to do taekwondo. It is about Fitness, flexibility, concentration and Action. I think other martial arts work in a similar way, but taekwondo is my favorit.
  • 1
    Picked up the guitar over an year ago. Got me through some tough times. Also developed a passion for music theory along the way. I say go for an instrument.
  • 0
    Man I just program more. Maybe that's not good that I program all the time. But I love playing piano and guitar too
  • 0
    Def gym. u need more health in ur life. programming is already a creative endeavor. Def add an instrument when and if u can, but physical health is very important. great for the mind too.
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