Today I built my own desktop. Ready for varnishing and some legs :D home made office for working at home

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    That would look great with a set of black pipe legs.
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    awesome! i wanna build my own. rigth now collecting tools
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    @irene I finished it with square ones 🥰🥰 I’m also very tired from all the sanding 😂😂
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    @bashleigh Oh yeah. Those look really good too. How did you join the planks? Do you have some fancy biscuit joiner or dowel jig or did you use some plates?
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    @irene I used a kreg pocket screw jig. Really simple, just helps as a guide to drill a hole diagonally so you can screw and glue the boards together. You can see from the holes the type of angle you need to achieve
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    Once the glue dries it’s completely solid. I was really surprised
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    @bashleigh I have been putting off picking up a kreg pocket hole jig because they seem expensive in Canada. (between $40 and $200 before tax. )

    Most places I need them I can use dowel then glue/screw. I’m cheap.
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    @irene I bought one of these https://ebay.co.uk/itm/...
    I know it’s a UK link but it’ll give you an idea. I’m sure the dowel idea will work too :)
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    Wow that's so cool 😍
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    How much did this cost?
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    @junon about £130 in materials, £20 for stain and varnish, £30 in tools and sandpaper? So about £180 in total but if I was to make it again, I could do it for about £140 ish. Advice though! If it’s going indoors, don’t use kiln dried wood 👍🏼
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    Good to know, I need to do this at some point. Thanks for the advice :)
  • 4
    Oooh pretty!!
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