  • 3
    What does rand() output? I have seen random functions that spit out 0.0 to 1.0.
  • 5
    @Demolishun an integer in tha range [0, RAND_MAX]. If memory serves right, on one of my systems RAND_MAX was the maximum for a signed 16 bit integer.
  • 3
    @Demolishun Depends on language/compiler. For C it’s often (in my experience) a random 16 bit word.
  • 9
    99.966% chance that everything is fine
  • 2
    As I see it there are 3 non-exclusive posibilites. Either management sucked, QA didn't do its job or he was a terrible employee.

    That company sucks one way or the other.
  • 1
    @TheCommoner282 make sure that didn't get merged
  • 3
    @TheCommoner282 Same. Most QA where I'm from can't code to save their lives so I'd never leave merge approval in their hands.

    Lead or senior devs in the team would be held liable for things like these.

    Also, there's also a (true*10) percent chance this guy is gonna get into legal troubles in the near future.
  • 1
    @TheCommoner282 most startups I've been in have engineers in QA who peer review PR's along side other devs. Either way they fucked up.
  • 0
    @TheCommoner282 I also thought QA normally review code or understand it but having started working in an info giant, it's clear that most QA in such companies aren't coders (except for the few who went from SWE to SQA). I might be basing myself my conclusion on a way too small dataset tho.
  • 1
    This is C. rand() returns anything from 0 to RAND_MAX, which is a pretty large number.
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