My boss has never programmed before. Recently, he decided that I should print out all the code for an admittedly rather small project (10k lines of Java code, 200 pages printed out), and then have me explain every line to him.

Luckily, he didn't get past 'public static void main', especially since I hadn't even bothered to print out more than that!

  • 40
    The quickest way to get beginners to hate programming is to show them java
  • 13
    @flag0 What about Assemby or Brainfuck or Lisp or... Binary?
  • 8
    @Jase @flag0 your avatars are almost identical. Java was the first language I was taught at uni, currently doing resits. It figures.
  • 3
    @MaxMayo I learned a bit of Java a few years ago. I tried to some projects in Java but ended up ditching it for something else. Now this sem we have Java (very basic though) so we'll meet again. Let's see how it goes.

    Granted all I know about assembly is very basic, I never felt so bad with that.
  • 3
    God I hate Java.
    Oop ftw
  • 2
    @Jase I think the JVM is a great technology, but Java is a bad language. Clojure, or Scala is far better (in my less than humble opinion), but that's only because I've used Java as a language for five years in the industry and I'd kill to use a different language, even if it's based upon the JVM. Any different language, preferably python, but I genuinely would take the aforementioned languages instead of Java (Lang).
  • 3
    @flag0 This may have been me

    I haven't touched java since
  • 1
    You should have printed him some lines from the Whitespace language
  • 1
    Is java not a good introductory language for total newbies?
  • 1
    @Gatgeagent who would/how would you code in binary?! Honestly never thought of it beyond compilation... gcc -o no no.c
  • 1
    @nmunro You could take a look at kotlin if you are looking for Java alternative.
  • 1
    Btw theres a language Hodor where everything is basically a permutation of uppercase lowercase repitition etc of the alphabets Hodor.
  • 2
    @thallorfall There's a trend right now to hate Java, just like Windows 10. If you are planning to learn it as a beginner language, please continue.
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