Fuck Excel.

  • 1
    I can't even tell what you could get out of a graph like that.
  • 2
    @F1973 Nah, it's okay as long as you don't try to use text, images, links, titles, or anything from the insert menu for that matter.
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    @F1973 You should be good as long as you stay away from the aforementioned tab because you won't have anything that could go wrong when changing the alignment
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    @F1973 Ha! Does that mean I need to post on Medium now?
  • 1
    Stacked bar charts show you relative slices of an accumulate. They're useful when you need to show multiple pie charts worth of data.
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    I feel like the only thing I get out of that is the general height of each bar.

    Unless there is dramatic change between say Yellow and Brown over time ... it really tells me just the general height, the rest of the differences are way to small to know.
  • 0
    That in an of itself is valuable. Compared across a series, it can indicate something deviating from the norm, or trends at small vs large scales. Graphs exist to form hypotheses.
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    @F1973 I hum... My brilliant chief editor @SortOfTested has to proofread it before I can publish it. Unfortunately, the weekend is here so it'll probably take some time before we can do anything about it.
    In the meantime, may I recommend reading one of our newest article on dev.to?
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