One of my top 10 worst meetings, was for an interview for a job I really wanted. The guy started off the technical interview by asking me about language features that had been replaced since before I started learning the language. Told him when I started learning and his reply was:

"Yeah I see that on your CV, but come on, you MUST know this stuff".

eh no asshole, because its been removed for 4 years, you MUST know its not relevant

  • 12
    Sadly removed from current versions doesn't mean it's not in use. I've worked on more than enough horrendous legacy projects to know that.
  • 5
    I had one where the interviewer asked me to list all the packages in core Java.

    I mean just why? What the hell is the IDE for then?
  • 1
    They're probably still using a deprecated version of the language because of legacy code.
  • 6
    @SupressWarnings everyone knows that IDEs write your code for you. True devs program in notepad
  • 4
    @AngryDev True devs do this: $code > $file

  • 1
    @AngryDev as far as I know true devs write code in binary. I should stop being a dev at all 😐
  • 2
    @Numinex $ makes it a variable and > means it'll dump the text into something, I was joking.
  • 1
    @Zaphod65 ah yeah I get legacy code, have had to deal with that a lot unfortunately.

    In this case, this was a brand new company. Company was like 3 - 4 years old. Advertised as needing someone "to work with the latest ... build the latest ... innovate beyond ..." blah blah blah.

    Such a young company shouldn't have these kind of issues. Sounds more like a senior dev stuck in his ways, refusing to learn / grow.
  • 0
    Can I ask what language and what features?
  • 0
    @rmahey It was Objective-C, ARC (automatic reference counting) had been added years previous, removing the need to manually manage memory deallocation.

    He was asking me very in-depth questions about pre-arc inner workings and issues as well as to debug pre-arc code.

    It was more his attitude that bugged me. Had been writing large scale iOS apps for 3+ years at the time and never needed to touch it. Getting responses like "Seriously? you are an iOS developer and you've never touched xyz?", made me feel like a jackass
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