
Was out sick yesterday.

My taskbar today after 2 hours.

  • 4
    Is that IE I see there? 😱 It better be for testing...
  • 0
    @franga2000 it's for a legacy application that only works in IE 🤐
  • 0
    @morgh been there. My condolences
  • 0
    Internet Explorer: Yey, someone is using me (pause to load 5 seconds) and sharing it on the world (pause to load 20 seconds) wid...404
  • 1
    This my taskbar after a reboot since I pinned all programs I use the day.
  • 0
    @blauesocke Do you not get stressed out by having so many items in the taskbar?

    I used to do it as well, but it drove me nuts
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