
It's 2016 and Android still doesn't support ODBC (let alone OLEDB). Every time somebody asks how to connect their app to a database directly, the groupthink brigade goes "dur hur, use JSON/SOAP/XML services cuz raisins!1one*." That wasn't the fucking question. I don't want your framework-cobbling make-work dependencies. Even the cretins at Xamarin, trying desperately to hook Windows C# programmers, only have SQL Server support because Microsoft fucking did it for them. WTF have Android developers done over 7 OS versions if basic features like database access are still fucking missing? No wonder the App Stores are full of Mickey Mouse garbage.

*raisins!1one = "I don't know how to secure a database so I'll just yell 'security!1one' so people think I r smrt"

  • 3
    So you want to connect the app directly to the database and do sql transactions directly from the app?
    I don't support that!
  • 0
    Because here's the thing, if I have to write 90% of a web app anyway, why not do 100%, point a browser at it, and call it a day? Why fight the Android build tools and App Store at all? Why not direct people who want a rich experience to a Windows device where those problems are already solved?
  • 1
    @Zenith You are the missing the point of native apps and why they exist.I cant explain that but imma give this illustration.

    What you you are saying is similar to = we get rid of all of your PC apps and replace them with webapps inside web browsers because it's harder to write native PC apps.Doesnt seem logical
  • 0
    Except that Android has practically no features and is thus reduced to being a dumb terminal for websites. There is hard (calculus) and then there is Android hard (kill yourself in a rubber room while wearing a straight-jacket). It's just incredible to me that this crippled platform took off while the infinitely more capable Windows mobile is considered stillborn.
  • 0
    @Zenith it's because Microsoft was involved, and was involved late. By the time they existed, people had already chosen
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