
How many of you guys actually have a life? A normal life?

  • 11
    I have a girlfriend. Does that Count?
  • 1
  • 6
    A normal what?
  • 6
    Define "normal"
  • 0
    You know, like most others do.
  • 7
    I do! Wife, kid and a house! Even 2 cats. And it's fucking awesome man!
  • 2
    That's great. I hope someday to have the same awesomeness.
    P.S - A college kid.
  • 1
    My full time job is as a "peoplesoft developer" but I end up doing more php/perl and custom scripts because that's what needs to get done.
    I coach Olympic Lifting and Crossfit. If I could do that full time with benefits I would in a heartbeat. Most of my casual reading is on sports performance. I've never held less than 2 jobs. I ran a wedding photography business for 3 three years and as of now I don't have to buy food (unless it's snacks or unhealthy stuff) because I literally have a job "coding for food". But I'm married, great groups of friends, drink occasionally and enjoy watching TV shows and movies. All in all I guess it's pretty normal.
  • 1
  • 0
    Wife, two kids, house under renovation by myself. It's probably normal, but if it is - it's way too much work!
  • 0
    Like most others have?
  • 4
    Looks like I am one of the few whose days go by like -
    Eat Sleep Study/Code/Work repeat
    Whose voice can hardly be heard :(

    *Cries in the corner*
  • 1
    What type of pokemon is that???
  • 3
    Can somebody share me the link to a normal life?
  • 1
    i have a normal life but i am not normal.
  • 2
    is there like documentation for "life", a man page or something??
  • 0
    Oooo. I was almost there until you specified normal.
  • 4
    I am married, have a nice house and travel a lot.

    But I'm married to a crazy person, the house is more stressful than the office and the travel is for work.

    So that'd be a no.
  • 0
    I got a house and a lovely wife in Whiterun. Just kidding, I have a developer girlfriend for real. She also makes lunch for me to bring to work.

    Is this normal for you?
  • 1
    Atleast you got a real gf :')
  • 1
    Do not get a house. It's like a black hole. You think you're just going to fix a few quick things and voila, twenty years have gone by back on Earth.
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