Can I have some experience so I can get experience to apply for jobs that require experience please?

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    Do some personal projects, find some people to work with and make some cool ideas a reality.
    Build a portfolio and it will get you pretty far.

    You can also take freelance jobs for super shitty pay but I don't recommend that :)
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    @yarwest thank you sir! Got 2 sites finished just need to go live (clients want little CSS changes) I'm just like...how much do I need to know to get paid every day for this..no confidence. Not really done back end but a lot of front end. Have a degree in graphic design which helps
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    @loumorgsy believe in you
    I know it can sound empty or whatever but
    do that changes to that client, keep it
    Get some new throw that satisfied client or any other way

    Do some back end if you want, in your spare time. Learn. Read.

    You will make it? You are making it
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    @lostpirate thanks lostpirate, for now I am unlike you..I am not lost! (But I might still pirate stuff 😉)

    Appreciate the kind words! Thank you!
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    Personal projects are nice and all but you may never get any sort of income from them.

    If you don't care about making a little money then by all means go for personal projects.

    I'd say go on a freelancing site and just bust your ass on there.

    You're going to have to undercut everyone else's rate in order to pull in clients considering your experience.

    Get in the client's head and learn how to sell the value you'd give.
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