Java to JavaScript is like car to carpet

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    Idk why people think java and javascript belongs to the same family. Its like comparing apples to pineapples
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    Aladdin in 2016 😂😂😂
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    For a non-developer I accept the fact that they don't know the difference. I also accept that is seems to be from same family.

    But as a developer I expect that you know your shit. At least do not assume!
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    Not really. Java and Javascript do share some syntax and grammar, but a car and carpenter do not share anything similar as far as I know.
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    They are C style languages (descendants), that's it.
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    Not really. According to Eich himself in a talk, the name similarity is intended. It meant to be a complementary language to be used together, as in: Java in the server and Javascript in the client. But yes of course, they're a completely different language in many ways.
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