
I've been working in IT ever since I graduated but over the years it feels like I'm getting further and further left behind compared to technology shops.

I been thinking of going for a pure tech shop but not sure if someone like me, without a CS degree, could make the cut. Or how I should market myself.

I've been coding since a kid as a hobby and still do now and I think I have a lot of experience but not sure what I should be looking for or what I could get with this background. (http://allanx2000.github.io/pages/...)

Any advice would be great, thanks!

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    If you demonstrate that you are good at something you don't need a CS degree.

    I saw that you do mobile and web. To get a job I would say that knowing really well android will make it easy. Don't try to be good at everything, focus in a single tech so you can master it. After that it will be easy to land a job.

    If you prefer web development pick a single language and framework and master it
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    @ismaelga thanks for the reply, sorry didn't get back earlier.

    I'm actually looking more towards backend C#, Java, Scala. Mobile and web are just something I picked up on the side but honestly I don't like front-end dev. You can see how bare-boned my apps are. More of a functionality guy.

    But not sure how to get into these tech backend roles. I doubt know the tech and all the new stuff like microservices, Hadoop cluster computing. They don't to be easily picked up without actually getting a job...
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    @allanx2000 yep, that's exactly why I suggested you to focus on a mobile platform. Web front-end and backend has a lot of things to learn. And there is no path to follow. Every week there's a new tool/language/framework/database to learn.

    I'm more a backend guy but been doing frontend too.

    Although I don't like C# or Java (I'm a rubyist learning Elixir at the moment). I think if you get good at one of those you can get a job.

    But it's easier to get a junior position as a fullstack developer (in something like Rails, Django or Express etc...)
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