
form testing...

  • 13
    Wow Satan calm down.
  • 1
    This is exactly what I had come across one time when I was building a node application 😂
  • 2
    Me to like every client:

    "Those are Android emojis."

    Is this the right answer? Of course not. Do you want to stand there and explain the difference between ISO-8859-1 and UTF-8, and why when text is converted from one to the other some characters don't translate to some fucking moron?

    Do you want to try to get them to pay you the two hours it's going to take to round up some PHP or perl script to search and replace your entire DB?

    No, you don't... so they're fucking Android emojis.

    You all got that? We are all, from this day forward... telling everybody they're Android emojis.
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