
Straight bet

  • 8
    India needs to start demanding higher wages.
  • 14
    @SortOfTested Given the current mess over there, a lot of Indian "devs" would already be overpaid even with $0.01 per hour because they are a net liability, not an asset.

    The problem is to actually find and contract the good ones, like some of our respected Indian DR members here.
  • 7
    True. Either way, the reality is if there's always indians willing to live in poverty, companies will keep using it as an excuse to cut their employee compensation liability.
  • 4
    I would be a king with such salary 😱
  • 5
    @SortOfTested One of the people with our Indian outsourcing company who impress me is their head of engineering. I've known her since when she was a regular dev a few years ago, and when we discuss, we do it as peers. So I know that good folks do exist there.
  • 5
    They do, not really the point though. They need to start fighting for wage normalization. Letting companies decide what wages they want to pay, as an employee, or as a society borders on suicidal.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested The problem is that the productivity also needs to be there, and that's an issue with "devs" whose only selling point is low wages.
  • 4
    Looks fine to me, you get what you pay for in this world!
  • 0
    It's like a typical average salary, less compared to other countries, but, normal here
  • 0
    $15 an hour is like the upper, upper echelon of Indian wages. Like top B school in the country level of wages.

    Funny how currency exchange works.
  • 0
    @hashedram that's *minimum wage* where I live!
  • 0
    What am I witnessing?
  • 1
    @guitargirl15 this minimum wage is around twice as much as a decent wage where i live
  • 1
    @guitargirl15 sure but a 3 bedroom apartment in a top tier city would cost you about $400 in rent. Everything pays less and everything is cheap.
  • 0
    For a job that requires a Masters, that sure seems low although it appears to be at least above minimum wage (at least when I convert to £ and compare with national numbers here).
  • 0
    This is lower than what we pay for a mcdonald employee per hour in my country (switzerland)
    An it pro is minimum 50 to 100 usd / hour.
    I am personnaly paid 500 to 1k per day.
  • 0
    @SortOfTested the problem is that this require that all 3rd world workers to align their wages to a minimal amount
    But the problem is that so many will take advantage of this to still provide lower amount to attract customers.... So it wont be practically applicable.
  • 0
    That's a good salary where I come from, and not because we're starving but because commodities are cheaper here.
  • 0
    @SortOfTested you'd better by moving to india, starting a rental business, and driving up cost of living in the key regions of india providing software developers.

    also works as a form of economic warfare lol.
  • 1
    That's rather silly when they already have Indian native billionaires doing it to them. They're still at that stage where they worship their robber barons.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested Demand-Supply is such a fun concept.
  • 3
    Just watch out for the market indicators. It's easy to confuse the effects of supply and demand with aggressive market manipulation.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested Isn't the latter what Adam Smith's "invisble market hands" were about?
  • 2
    To my mind Adam Smith used the invisible hand in place of words like "derivative result of market inputs." His approach assumed a fair, unbiased input when referring to its determinant. This is in contrast to the common approach to neoclassical economics which states that, when your input source of materials runs dry, human bodies work just as well.
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