Fucking outdated Linux packages 🥴

  • 3
    Fucking nVodoa drivers.

    Installed and configured and everything looks right, but only renders 3D at 15fps, max. 🤬
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    In general or specific distro? I don't really have that problem. Although maintaining everything in Windows is a hassle usually you can always get the latest release.
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    My Bad .., a windows user😶
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    I haven't updated my arch Linux laptop after a year. Now I wonder how many packages I have to update.
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    This is the sole reason I always prefer rolling release for personal machines
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    @Bybit260 same as how many packages you have installed minus the ones that have been replaced (by drop in replacement)
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    @hjk101 I don't use that laptop anymore but let me check.
  • 1
    @hjk101 nvm, it has no ram, and ssd
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