
Why there are no more C/C++ devs on devRant?

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    C/C++ devs are in a higher level of existence. They don't bother ranting, they just solve the problem before it occurs. :-)
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    @TktStatusPICNIC Yes! I'm a junior C developer ahah
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    @512GB that's what I thought!
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    @TktStatusPICNIC Aww, thank you! :D
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    @TktStatusPICNIC I'm not that junior, I made a few projects that already allow me to love & hate pointers ahah
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    They are too busy looking for the causes of the memory leaks.
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    Embedded C/C++ and assembly dev here. We create real time OS, drivers, power control flows, etc...
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    @TktStatusPICNIC I'm actually pretty interested to alternatives to GNU tools
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    @TktStatusPICNIC i start with exactly the same motivation and slowly see how my code gets uglier and uglier so i have to make it readable again. Then theres _asm
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    @TktStatusPICNIC I guess you already know lots of software skills to optimize your programs (balance between resources and performance). Maybe you can try something related to hardware. Perhaps starts from get more detailed knowing about the processor. For example, if you are using ARM, try to utilize multiple load/store while doing memory. Standard lib memcpy usually implemented in general ways to deal with arbitrary addresses. But if you can restrict the address alignment, you can use a more aggressive implementation which boost your memory operations.

    We can talk more if you are interested.
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    Hello, junior cpp developer here. We have our own datacache in cpp like redis because sql queries were slow. And we work in a bankπŸ˜…πŸ˜…
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    Another C++ dev chiming in!

    I use C++ for embedded code on robots.

    We use bazel as our build tool, which I really like. You still have to use gcc or clang as the actual compiler though.
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    @TktStatusPICNIC the volume πŸ˜…. Banks want to record everything about every possible thing. Plus need to do calculations on data not just read write operations. Reading is pretty fast in sql
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    What I find bazel best for is replacing something like make or cmake. It does take some getting used to, but it allows you to have hermetic builds (same source input = same binary output, regardless of what computer you build on), and very fast incremental builds.

    It also eliminates the need for things like "make clean" - make misses a lot of cases in marking files dirty (rolling back version control, for example), which bazel catches.

    And it forces you to think about your dependency graph, which I find is a good thing.

    It makes a lot if sense at google's scale, but I like it even in the small codebase and team that we have (probably around 10k-20k LOC among five people)
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    I agree with the C people being on another level. Not many know our memory problems
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    @TktStatusPICNIC I just am referring to us in this thread. I am also curious how many C developers are on DevRant. Both practicing and former C devs.
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    @TktStatusPICNIC.... Not qualified enough to answer this.. But I feel sql slow. Wrote a stored procedure. Running for 600k records takes 2.5 minutes. But I needed to repeat that for all scenarios. So had to wait for half an hour to see if I did it correctly. πŸ˜…
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    @TktStatusPICNIC No, but that has been going traction and I think will be a feature sooner than later.
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    @TktStatusPICNIC joining 2 tables. The bigger one had 600k records. Writing missing entries ( one way only) into another table.. Should It take so much time? I don't know what's the reason and how to improve. Help please!!
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    Cuz I'm still learning c++

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    @TktStatusPICNIC can you please explain what pointers do? The documentation on them is hard to understand (I'm not a native English speaker and I'm kinda youngish)
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    @TktStatusPICNIC thank you 😊
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    I've learned and experienced both languages. However, I never worked as a developer in either of them. I'm not a software engineer, so I don't have "professional" experience. I have however made several "side" projects in both.

    As for my favorite, C will always hold that place in my heart, it is the very first language I learned.

    How about yourself? @TktStatusPICNIC
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    which one is more evil: Raw C or Javascript
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    @TktStatusPICNIC thank you (again)😊. It helped me understand a bit... There's still one thing I can't really understand, and it is.. what are pointers good for?
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    I am here. I love C and C++ but never get to use them anymore.
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    Heh, thank you, I suppose. It's just that you guys actually work in this field which is my biggest dream. I'm gonna make my dream come true, but that will take time.

    Im actually an electronics student (well, ex-student, I graduated). Embedded C is what I was taught at first, after realizing how much I love it and programming languages as a whole, I expanded my knowledge on my free time, starting with C. @TktStatusPICNIC
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