The DevRant community has such nice people, I wonder if anyone has used the downvote button even once. I haven't!

  • 6
    I have, but mostly for reposts.
  • 4
    @aronmik @thmnmlst I think I should start downvoting reposts, too! I've been seeing some of them so many times, it gets annoying.
  • 1
    @g-m-f tbh, I've never seen any rude DevRanter here. But maybe that's because they are removed before I have a chance to see them.
  • 3
    May be I will start from you 😁😁
  • 2
    I have for when someone picks windows as their favorite os on a Linux question
  • 7
    I did when some dickhead was putting down women in industry with stupidly sexist comments. I hope he got banned
  • 1
    Confession : I already downvote some rant, but only by mistake, ++ and -- buttons are too close :D
  • 1
    I downvoted a post where a dude threatened to rape and murder the families of developers at Apple, because of some issue with Safari.

    It had around 700 upvotes at the time. I also reported it, but not sure what happened there
  • 3
    I down voted this post. My first down vote. 😂
  • 1
    @eshwarenm I knew someone would eventually succumb to the temptation 😂
  • 1
    I have, but only rarely (less than 5% of upvotes). I tend to do so when I think the person's statement is bad for the community, like if it seems elitist or like it's parroting something close to hate speech.

    If I think that someone's genuinely thought something out and just happens to disagree, I have no problem. If it's something that I think could make someone feel unwelcome because of something they can't change, I'll downvote.
  • 0
    Check my profile
  • 0
    @runfrodorun worst part was, people was defending it. Saying I needed to calm down 🤔
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