
I never thought I would ever be this pleased with a Microsoft product but vscode on Linux has really impressed me. Just discovered Zen Code mode today and got hooked.

  • 1
    Big fan of vscode so far too! I use it for everything that visual studio is overkill for.
  • 2
    VS Code is pretty cool. I've pretty much replaced MonoDevelop with it for scripting Unity3D.
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    @kalippu So, who can make an amazing product? Because, from that logic, every piece of it would have to be closed source.
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    Well, from what you said I understand that they shouldn't get merit for it because they didn't make it as it is open source (and it is true that they didn't make it all -it is a fork of atom, after all - but much snappier and with way better Typescript support). That way, the folks at GitHub shouldn't get credit for Atom either. Either that, or I'm just searching for things to hate on. Feeling a bit under the weather today.
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    @kalippu That's true, Microsoft does have some fine products...Except SharePoint, that's shit.
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