Fucking android framework. Sucks my huge ass balls. What is wrong with the people that wrote this?
You implement a fba and hide it when the recyclerview in the corresponding is scrolled down.
Then you change to API level 25 and they fucking decide it would be a good idea to refuse to send the onNestedScroll when the visibility for a fba is set to GONE which is itself not bad, but they also think setting the visibility for the fba when you call the hide() method to... yea you guessed it FUCKING GONE would be an amazing decision. Oh yea you smart ass nice decision I'm so glad you did it.

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    It will be some time before I install Android Studio again. If ever. I think I'll do those one-for-all os next time
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    I'd get those ass balls checked out if I were you
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    I might be wrong but Isn't that how it is supposed to work? hide removes the fab from layout... essentially setting visibility to gone.
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    @bdhobare I would say INVISIBLE is sufficient. Or they could allow that the onScroll events via the coordinator layout are sent to it even if the visibility is set to GONE:)
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