
So since JARVIS (Just a Rather Very Intelligent System) is out.

Only ALFRED is left.

*popular AI child names*

  • 4
    Don't forget HAL.
  • 2
    And K.I.T.T., MCP, Viki, and many more...
  • 12
    I will create one called JAMAL just so I can scream
    "JAMAAAAALLL!!! Turn on the lights you souless creature!!"
    "JAMAAAAALLLL!!! Order my food you motherless non-human."

    Then the racist old couple upstairs will finally like me and I don't have to actually be racist.
  • 3
    In that case, I'll probably put my boss's name.

    Atleast at home, I'll get to be the boss
  • 2
    And it's voiced by Morgan Freeman.
    This is the first time in my life anything from facebook seems appealing, and I am really torn on the whole thing.
    On one hand: Privacy, freedom, etc.
    On the other: Morgan your-house Freeman!
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