Disappointed after reading other's code written for same problem which i am writing for
i am so bad programmer 🙃
I wrote almost 200 lines
And he just competed in just few lines with common logic
And i done it but used complex logic
Closed IDE
Shutting down PC...

  • 16
    Practice makes best fam don't give up 💪
  • 5
    Don't be to hard on yourself man. Just learn from this guy. Most of us were where you are now.
    Stay positive and keep learning 👍
  • 1
    Asking the real questions.. What was the problem?
  • 3
    That's how you learn :) when I want to learn a language, I go to Codingame to solve problems and then look how the others did it, you learn tons of stuff!
  • 2
    Also, reading other's code also helps you learn!
  • 3
    Congratulations on learning. Used his approach when facing you next problem.
  • 1
    One learns from mistakes. Or thats what i say to myself. Said by noob
  • 1
    Don't feel bad, you've realised it can be done better so you'll know for next time. When you write something you'll always look at it in the future and think it's bad but that proves you are progressing.
  • 2
    As long as you understand how he did it, you're not any worse off! If you don't understand it, then brush up on those skills and be better off because of it!
  • 1
    Could be possible he learnt it from someone else. Everyone learns, don't give up, adapt to that solution and you will remember how to solve more efficiently next time you come across same problem.
  • 1
    My advice: learn a new lang every year. It wont be useful, but u will learn new concepts!!
  • 1
    @love3code always keep ur head up. Everyone looks stupid at some point. And u didnt even do a big mistake.
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