
So how old is devRant?

I saw the joined date on @dfox profile but didn't know if it's 1st of November or 11th of January.

If it's the second then I don't like the date format. 😁

  • 2
    @h3ll Does it mean that Americans don't like our date formats either? It’s somewhat an honest question.
  • 33
    @dfox bug report: dates should use ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • 9
    I actually prefer DD/MM/YYYY. It makes more sense; sorta like a pyramid format. People always get confused if they read stuff I date so I've just learnt to write out the month DD "Month" YYYY. Can we get a global standard that includes US please?
  • 7
    @Dominator7k1 there is a global standard. ISO-8601. And it makes more sense: from the biggest to the smallest. Numbers, postal addresses, MAC-addresses and many other adressable things are named with the biggest unit at the front and then getting smaller.
  • 1
    @h3ll I like to live in (probably misplaced) optimism :)
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    @Dominator7k1 @darksideplease Is right, it's also easier to sort dates this way
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    @h3ll we in Sweden use it too

    I think
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    @perix2 @dfox I think this YYYY/MM/DD would be better.
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    The only format that really make sense, when it come to the technology. Must be the YYYY-MM-DD format.

    But personally on non technology base day to day use, I like the DD-MM-YYYY best.
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    @Doehl But again technology and day to day life are so tied to each other these days.
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    @tisaconundrum well, if we write with that format in school we get points off
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    @h3ll sad thing is that even our military follows the rest of the world and uses the standard. I feel ashamed of my country...
  • 4
    Born and raised in the US. Nowadays, I use YYYY-MM-DD at least half of the time -- even in official paperwork -- because it's unambiguous.

    And, ya know, it follows the rule of most-to-least significant digits.
  • 2
    You know what's even better? Just show the date in plain english if it's being presented to the user. Like:
    "Joined on Nov. 1st 2016"
  • 2
    @divil lol yes that is also unambiguous and pleasing to read. :) My point was that confusion only occurs if we insist on presenting the date to users in formats like MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY, etc.

    It's way more obvious when you see the name or abbreviation of a month!
  • 3
    Clearly we should all be using: Stardate 94592.62 🤓
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