
Actual conversation today with one of my remote developer teammates in Ukraine

Me: "next up I'd like to discuss the 'bigger picture' so you have context for the next tasks..."

Dev (after an hour or so and some chat in between...): "Yes, could you please send more details about a large images issue?"

Me (somewhat perplexed): "what are you... oh! Haha"


  • 3
    Haha. Have to be careful about such phrases. I could write a book on that sort of stuff that happens. Also, stuff that might offend in different cultures.
  • 1
    @Jumpshot44 that really would be useful and some rules like: if someone whose mother language isn't the same as yours have offended you please double check if it was intentional 😂
  • 3
    I'm an English language instructor in Ukraine so I appreciate this example. My students in the IT field try to tell me about their difficulties communicating in English, but this is a nice concrete example. Cheers for being understanding while finding some humor in the breakdown.
  • 0
    @thaddeus ah yeah, anyone who can't find humour and work to resolve language misunderstanding has no business working with anyone outside their own family :)
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