
I was at the movies today. The subtitles didn't italicize as they expected.

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    Sorry for the bad picture quality. I'm not even supposed to use a camera in there. But I couldn't resist this one.
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    How did you even catch it on camera if you weren't expecting it
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    @juzles he didn't say anything about his expectation. I guess the scene involved a dialogue long enough to give him time to open up his camera
  • 2
    Was this really happen in a cine teather?! WTH!!
    A teather with pirate movies... This subs are in another format but srt...
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    @juzles @asgs it was on almost every other subtitle so it wasn't so hard.
  • 4
    <i>Yes, Tom, this subtitle styling doesn't look as easy as it had seemed</i>
  • 4
    My brain is wired to block out the tags and just see that text as in italics.
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