My current state of mood:

Too many dumb fucktards trying to be clever.

It's everywhere. Even when I close my fucking work apps and just want to have a fucking break, some dumbtards of friends remind me of the insanity outside.

I always laughed about the paranoid people who built bunkers somewhere in nowhere for very obscure and most of the time lunatic reasons.

Now I'm envious.

Winter Depression is also setting in and sleep wasn't good in the last weeks, too.

It's funny how one can be furiously annoyed and pissed 24/7 and at the same time be totally tired.

3 weeks sitting alone over Christmas and new year since paying out vacation and overtime is not possible.


Don't expect me round for the following weeks, think my mood will get even worse.

  • 2
    Always pissed off and tired?
    You sound like me.
  • 0
    @Root *cheers*

    @rutee I wish I could. :(

    @F1973 Thanks my sweet birdie.

    I knew I was kind of an introvert... But I never knew how much I could get annoyed by humans I guess.

    And I don't have Facebook, Twitter, Imgur or whatever pests someone else can come up with. -.-

    It would be great if everyone could shove their opinions, best recommendations and stupid questions up their arsehole so far that the stomach acid can take over and dissolve it into nothingness where it belongs.
  • 1
    I have seasonal depression too! I can’t be bothered to do anything! November is always hell! I can’t think or focus and programming tasks I carried out during summer with ease are not so easy now
  • 1
    Here let me ignore everything you just wrote, and give you some unsolicited opinions.
    Can always go for a walk despite curfew.

    could go jogging. thats what ive been doing. feels good man.
    film that shit and upload it, ill do the same. so its like we're jogging together.

    I got a run scheduled for tomorrow.
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    *makes a high pitched eardrum bursting note*

    Nah. I had a sarcoidosis of the lungs. Normally it's a fast recovery with permanent damage, but sometimes there are patients like me.

    Half a year of cortison, 3 years all kinds of troubles, doctors, cortison, specialists....
    2 years of finding back to life again. Currently thinking about reducing weight, but atm not possible as my body is a train wreck after all this.

    And I'm writing this because I'm so overly fed up with people telling me to "do sports" … go running... Get outside... Do stuff."

    I'll do. When this whole shit show is over. Not before.

    I won't leave this house.

    It's meant in a nice way. But it are exactly these comments I'm most annoyed of it.

    Followed by: Oh so you're sure the first one to get vaccinated, R I G H T?

    Nope. Won't do, too many risks.

    Neither do I like dietary recommendations....

    Nor hints that I'm drinking coffee which is baaaad for sleeping problems.

    Or beer and other alcoholic beverages.

    Or that I like to work to keep me from gping bananas.

    I could fill a whole book with things I had to listen to since the beginning of the year....
  • 1
    @IntrusionCM sounds like its a shit sandwich all around. feelsbadman.
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