
The Hyperloop
I am so amazed about the ability of the human race to fall for this bullshit.
Companies and governments are wasting their money.

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    In germany the politicians wanted to push Helitaxis into the cities. Turned out that they were only prototypes and none of them could fly when they first revealed it
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    But it’s all about the name and popularity, right ?

    Product and quality doesn’t matter. It’s fashion show all the time.
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    @ScaryException you really don't like em do you
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    welcome to this world.

    Exploit or get exploited, no in between.
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    Please state which companies and governments are investing in hyperloop over maglev? I'm not aware of any.
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    US dep of transportation,

    To name a few.
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    "b-but elon m-musk!!!1!1!1!!1!1"
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    Reminds me of the time when Theranos was "out for blood"
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    @Linux Dubai makes sense, because it's known for very extravagant projects which are widely impractical.

    The US government is not building a hyperloop, it's just been classified. California is building a high speed rail line. I think Connecticut is building one also. But there's no actual hyperloop projects being built.
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    Remember the Triton Gills? Venture idiots shoved nearly a million dollars into a crowdfunding campaign that had a pretty video about a guy who had invented a way to breathe underwater with a very small device.

    He "proved" it worked by diving in his backyard pool for a few seconds at a time.

    At least it was so utterly dumb and fake that the guy had to refund everything.
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    US Dept of transportation only gave the nod that the plans are viable. Funding for railway projects comes from the Federal Railway authority.

    India under the current administration won't consider building one until they're so past tense they can copy the existing work from the public domain and claim vedic mathematics made it all possible.
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    @SortOfTested What are these vedic maths?
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    A fiction cooked up in the early days of Hindu nationalism that tries to show that ancient indian religious texts encode evidence of a mathematically superior society that existed historically. It has been a cottage industry since the 60s, when a now discredited book was published about it, and recently made an appearance when a BJP muckity muck tried to give a significant amount of credit to the idea as responsible for the success of the moon mission.

    Hindutva adherents have tried to do the same thing with cold fusion, flying cars etc. It's all rather dumb.

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    Rode a metro today, felt like a slower and much more mature version of the Hyperloop. Kinda what they're turning it into now, aren't they... Omagerd it's such a fast and modern system!1!

    And what did they get now for a test track.. half the length of an airplane runway, placed in the middle of nowhere. Just enough to get a camera set going? 🤔
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    Cold fusion works, just not on earth.

    India also did not having it 2000 years ago, as a former education minister purported. 😋
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    Kek, do you actually believe that? XD
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    @SortOfTested That goes beyond anything I ever imagined. Truly India is ahead of its times when it comes to that kind of shitpost. John Titor has nothing on vedic maths.
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