Always shut down atleast once a month :/
Just wanted to work a little :(

  • 2
    Then try to fix the problem. Nothing personal against you specifically, but why do so many developers lose their shit when some error or exception is thrown? They seem to always rage against of trying to calmy identify the problem.
  • 0
    I doubt a restart will solve this issue, please check idea.log.path like it was told to you. Guess I think like @Makenshi, worst thing you can make is just to reinstall without even looked into such issues.

    Second glance and I'm sure a mkdir of this log directory will miraculously solve your issue.
  • 1
    @Makenshi @tpiekarski i checked the directory and found no issue. Also, restarted the system and still found no solution. Finally, saved all the sdks and tools and did a reinstall.
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