Is it just me or everyone feels like developers and IT Admins are enemies?

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    They are your friends. How else can you get things done?
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    It truly depends. I strive to maintain a good working relationship with IT, but not all developers do. Not all IT members reciprocate... At my last job, we had an amazing relationship and were always helping one another. My current job? well...
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    @lreading you are right
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    Yeah, it seems to be a function `companySize` and `distanceToHq`. But I can't nail down the formula.
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    Thats funny, because I am both of those things at my job LOL
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    At my job, I am technically both. Sometimes I scream about myself for the problems that I cause. Double the rant on either side.
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    @zourtney it's company size x no. of security consultants x no. of conferences attended by cso x 100
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