
Can't sleep because never ending brainstorming/problem solving, any of you guys who suffer the same sleeples nights, and do you have any tips? Was thinking of trying out prescription medications.

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    I think it's normal when you are committed to solving something. I have been thru this several times. The only cure i know is getting it done. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing.
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    As an insomniac myself, I agree with what @mpotratz says. The medication route may help you in the short term, but it also leads to an addictive lifestyle with its own long term issues.

    I've found that forcing myself to get up early in the morning (5 to 6am) makes for a longer day, leaving me slightly more tired by the time midnight comes around, which generally helps me fall asleep before 2am. Not always though, but it helps a bit.

    Another thing that works wonders is physical exercise. I use my time on an excuse bike to do problem solving, taking notes on a tablet, thereby exercising both my mind and body, which makes me tired more quickly.
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    If you are sedentary during the day, your mind may be tired but your body is not. Try and exhaust both with the addition of exercise. I also read some fiction to take my mind of things in bed
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    @ZaLiTHkA @mpotratz great advices guys, will hold off the medication and try out the stress management path, thanks allot my dudes 😊
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