You can learn Css in one day they said, its easy they said

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    cool :P
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    @d-fanelli seems all green circles will land here :)
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    i bet it's missing at least one property which, when added to fix one specific case, will break all the others that were already working.
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    I love seeing people struggle with CSS, y'all are funny
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    @skylord People who struggle with CSS are either backend devs who just cba to learn it since it's not their line of work, or people who think knowing HTML and bootstrap makes them programmers.
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    @rox79 what do you mean by "green circles"?
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    @hitko I feel personally attacked by this comment. lol.
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    @Wisecrack hi, another greener here lol
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    "transform: translate(-50%, -50%)" is my fave
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    @Wisecrack In CSS there's usually more than one approach to achieve X (e.g. center an item inside a container). The bootstrap mentality is trying to create a single class which works everywhere, so the idiot pretending to be a frontend developer can mindlessly put together their design without having to understand how each approach differs and when to use it. If you're at least trying to do better than that, you're good.
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    @bagfox green in trend :)
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    @Wisecrack look our dp
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